Thursday 21 April 2016

At the Doctors

This is a dream that occurred 22 April 2016, around 7am.

I was in my home and I woke up with no undies, I went to the loo to put new ones on and then came out.

I found myself in a place that felt like home but it was not the current house we are living in. It looked new and polished, I saw some flowers in the vases and decided to switch some flowers from these vases to create a more balanced look.

These flowers were so colourful. However, I felt uncomfortable on my right rib and discovered that there was a balloon like opening, whenever I breathed it would inflate and stick out of my rib and I had to place my right hand on my right rib to make sure it didn't get bigger.

A doctor was in the house with us whose face I can't remember, but he felt like a doctor, he said that he had the same thing and had to be taken to the hospital and do surgery on himself to close the hole in his ribcage.

He showed me how it happened as if in a video but I was there watching it in real life. I was in the hospital saw his people or assistants take him to the surgery room for him to operate on himself.

While I was waiting outside I saw two male nurses who worked there and were wearing blue like nurse dresses/uniforms, one was Caucasian the other dark skinned and straight black hair.
They didn't seem to see me and the dark guy was talking about how he was said that 'she' died and he was wearing her uniform and wasn't happy about it. It seemed he was talking about a work female colleague who died.

I was back in my pretty home and remembered I had to switch the flowers before they died, the flowers were red / maroon in colour.

I woke up.

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