Friday 8 September 2017

Coincidence or not


It all started when I started writing up a photo compilation for a uni assignment. While searching on Pinterest for things of nature that make us say Wow or Awe! I saw an old post from my twin about a particular image with the shape of a cross, so naturally, and out of curiosity, I clicked on it and upon reading the information. Thought it worthy for my assignment.

The first thing I thought to myself: 'Somone got bored and decided to pimp up the cross.'

Well, this thought became debunked as quickly as I thought it when I read how this is the cell in our body that keeps our human structure intact and together. Without it, our human structure will fall apart.

It's the steel, the cement and the foundation of our structure just as the foundation of cement, and steel is to buildings.

So anyway, I decided to add this to my assignment and this is the final piece.

This morning while waking up, I decided to check my emails and saw some uploaded videos one being hubby's latest YouTube Tutorial.

I was about to put the phone down, I saw this video pop up mysteriously, the title got my attention so I decided to click on it.

Lo and behold, it was about this exact cell I added to my assignment! So I decided to share it to my friends on Facebook. However; hubby being experienced with YouTube mentioned how FaceBook and YouTube are not friends and therefore any YouTube video will be blocked if shared.

So, hubby advised to add the video to a blog and then share it. So here I am taking my man's advice.

I hope you are as awed and amazed as me.

I'm sure, my LORD lead me straight to this and I'm sure this is meant to be shared peacefully and not forcefully. We need to remember, if God respects the free will of mankind, then we must respect the decisions of those who don't believe.

Matthew 5:45 - Click here to read full verse

And finish this blog post, remember how in God's word he says in Colossians 1: 16-17

16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

Stay blessed and God be with you.

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