Sunday 26 April 2015

Dream about Earthquake and large thick tsunamis

Dream: Earthquake | Date: 26 April 2015 (early morning)

I was in an unknown house with my family and the translucent man.

We experienced an earthquake that shook the house then we were told to prepare for the Tsunami and we did... I mentioned to the translucent man about the "secret place" but he said no... and said to stay in the house.

The large thick body of the tsunami (2) hit land covering all and went past our house... some streams of water came in and through but our house didn't get damaged.

Then I heard/felt someone say that we'll be going through another change.


When I had this dream I had no idea the Nepal earthquake happened. 

Source: Wikipedia


All I can say is that there'll be major changes that will affect us outside of our house of protection. Tsunamis signify change. In this dream, these were so thick and devoured everything in it's path but didn't damage our house.

Because we (family could be everyone who belongs to God) are under the protection of the Holy Spirit we'll see only see these massive changes that would obviously affect the world.

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